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    Paris Marathon: Clémence Calvin well present

    Paris Marathon: Clémence Calvin well present

    The vice-champion of Europe Clémence Calvin in full turmoil is well at the beginning of the marathon of Paris.

    Athletics - Marathon - Clémence Calvin will participate in the Paris Marathon.  (E.Garnier / Team)

    Clémence Calvin will participate in the Paris Marathon. (E.Garnier / Team)

    Very discreet since her withdrawal from an unannounced check on March 27 in Morocco, Clemence Calvin is present at the start this Sunday of the Paris Marathon . Authorized to run following the decision of the Council of State to lift its provisional suspension issued by the French Agency for the Fight against Doping (AFLD), the vice-champion of Europe has recovered his bib at 7 am on the roundabout Champs Elysées. After changing into the bus reserved for athletes, the French went to warm up with her companion Samir Dahmani and will be starting at 8:09. 

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